Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Willai: **a switch stick in hand, tapping it ominously** “Turn around…” Mor: **panicked voice** “J-just put that down…” Willai: **patronizing dark smile** “What? So the stubborn little child isn’t prepared to reap the consequences of her actions? Tsk tsk…”

Couldn't stick to just one so I added the main characters I could think of....Maybe I could do another one xD
~Mari J. Fahel

(ABOVE) This song reminds me of my character, Melody Gael(the real one, not Melody Blanke xP) from TWA, because it is upbeat and she was a joyous person before she was gone. She liked to play a highlander's whistle and dance, so this makes me think of her....

(ABOVE) This song reminds me of Morwynne Gael from TWA...she's a wee bit of an adventurer and likes a bit of excitement to start her day--most of the time! xD

(ABOVE) This song reminds me of Cpt. Willai MacNaell from TWA, because it is strong and the music itself seems good for a warrior--like him xP

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