Thursday, July 5, 2012

I need some advice

I'm kind of stuck and need some advice.
Right now in my novel my characters are stranded on an island in the middle of the ocean and no one knows where they are (it's 1602 so no way to call for help).
In my original draft I had my MC Sebastian's sister and her husband (who is a duke) come looking for them personally in their nice fancy boat. Re-thinking that now, it seems a bit far fetched. They got the location of the island from the same person Sebastian's got it from.

Here are the options I'm considering, which one sounds the best to you?

1. Leave it as it is: Sebastian's sister and brother in-law come personally searching for them and rescue them. Then on the boat journey back, have the characters (who are mostly "peasants") get into some trouble on the fancy ship.
2. Have the Duke send a ship to rescue them, and don't have much happen on the way back except one or two talks between the main characters.
3. Have a random ship that happens to be passing by see the characters and come to rescue them. On the ride back, nothing much happens except one or two talks between the main characters.
4. Something completely different (please suggest!)

Right now options 2 and 3 look the best to me because I'm trying to get this novel completely done before the end of August and I'm only on the first edit/re-write of five. I don't really have time/don't feel like writing some adventures while on the boat back (plus the first time around I couldn't really think of anything and kind of stole a scene from Tintin... Haha).

What do you guys think?


  1. I do have another suggestion. Why don't you have them find an empty life boat washed up on the island, which they fix up and use to sail back. That would make for more excitement and adventure.

  2. P.S. Although you said that you did not want to write the adventures on the way back, if you invest the time I know that it will be worth it.

  3. Lashing together a pair of sea turtles. With human hair. From the lead male's back.

    1. o.O Eli, you goof! But I must say that I love that movie! lolz!

  4. I would say that Barret's idea sparks more interest for me... lolz

  5. Haha Eli! That's PERFECT! Of course... it has already been done... I wouldn't want to be thrown in the dungeon for plagerism.... XD
    I'll take your idea into consideration Barret! Thanks for the advice guys! =)

    1. Actually, it hasn't, t'was just mentioned. Buut aye, Barret, your idea sounds a wee bit more adventurous.

    2. Thanks! I always like stories with more adventure in them.
