Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A little writing

So, I haven't been writing nearly as much lately, as we are redoing our kitchen counters, a long and tiresome job.  Also my oldest younger brother and I were helping our grandparents out last week.  Today, however, I had time to write a little.  Here is a sample:

The rust-colored sunlight in the south pierced the needles of the evergreens and left sharply outlined shadows all around Rugema Ruvin.  Birinin sat in her father’s house, fashioning her silvery arrows.  It was a delicate work, and her hands, which may have seemed rather clumsy at first sight, were nimble and adept at the craft.  She made the shafts by pulling light from a small, golden lamp with a pair of little tongs.  She would thrust the tongs into the lamp and pull them out, and in them would be a thick shining blob of ethereal light.  She took the blob in her hands and pulled it through her fingers, making it into a slender rod.  Another thrust of the tongs brought out a smaller blob, quickly fashioned by her quick fingers into a lethal point, which she attached to the shaft with a lick of the tongue.  Her fletching was made of white swan’s feathers, which she split with a little golden knife and bound to the end of the shaft by running her finger around it.   It took only a little time to make quite a few arrows, and these were all straight and true.

Hope you enjoyed that!  Thanks for reading.


  1. Oooo great description! I can imagine her making arrows out of the light. I would love to have arrows made of light.

  2. That was amazingly descriptive... it made my thoughts active... I wish I could write like that.... lolz Cuz it's beyond any critique for me lolz
