Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sphagnum Cymbifolium

Research. I loathe it.
I don't mind it if I have to research something I'm interested in (such as fifes and piccolos).
But if I have to research a topic I'm not interested in, and don't know anything about, it becomes tiresome easily.
Last night I was face with the problem of research. I have a character and he's a doctor but he loves looking for plants and animals (he's kind of like the doctor from the Master and Commander movie). My character finds some moss. But what is the Latin name for moss? He would know it. So I pulled up the internet and Sphagnum Cymbifolium came up.
(Just a side note.... Verges Jr. is the creature I asked for help about in an earlier post. I decided to make it a baby Tapir)

"This is the ideal place for a camp!" Sebastian broke the awed silence. "We have water, shelter, light...."
"A new specimen of Sphagnum Cymbifolium!" Verges cried out. He ran to the pond and started scraping a greenish plant from the rocks. "Most uncommon," he murmured, "Usually it grows in bogs and marshes! How very interesting! This will require much further study."
"First Verges Jr. now new moss? We are glad you are so easily satisfied Verges." Toms remarked.
The rest of the morning was spent exploring every nook and cranny of the cave and glade.


  1. Nice! I already loath Verges and love Toms. Maybe because I am not an outside person. Well written, except for NO COMMA or anything in Toms' first statement.
    Keep up the interesting work.
    And by the way, I am not overly fond of research either.

  2. By the way, Abbey, I did not mean to sound harsh or anything. It is really a very good piece of writing, and I do not mean to go around tearing anyone down. My criticism was meant to be purely constructive.

  3. Hee hee that's alright K. Barrett. I never do much punctuation (I can't even spell it! Haha) until I go over the final draft. I'll make sure to put that comma in!

  4. This character reminds me of one of mine, and it gave me an idea too.
    I like what you posted a lot. It sounds like it would be a very fun book to read.

  5. Hehehehehe! I love it 8-D I can picture him, getting all excited about moss. Simply grand!
