Tuesday, April 24, 2012

""Hold him! He's got my trousers! And every stitch of the Vicar's clothes!"

 Trips in over the sword. Sets Nemo down on the table, claims nearest chair, and throws self into it with - hopefully - the air of Sherlock Holmes. 

 So, everyone has been posting and I've been...well...not. And, I thought I should. I should actually be writing but my creativeness has flopped and I don't want to try editing yet. So I am posting. 

 Outside of Edinburgh, Scotland
Scottish Royal Air Force Base
It was the scream of a bomb that woke Peter from a deep, dreamless sleep. Before this, wars were
things he had only read about in books. Never in his life did he expect to be in one. And though the
bombing was not the start of the killing that would later come, it was the start of the war, though at the
time it didn't seem like it.
The screaming grew louder the closer the bomb got and Peter shot up in his cot just as the alarms went
off. The alarms were almost as loud as the bomb and even though Peter was not fully awake he knew
what he had to do. Leaping to his feet, he grabbed his clothing and threw them on. Stumbling toward
the door, he tripped and crashed into things as he fought to pull his boots on. There were other men in
the barracks who were faring no better with their clothing and boots. Many times the men crashed into
each other, knocking one another down.
“Pete!” Someone grabbed his arm as he was about to run out the door. The barrack was dark but Peter
didn't have to be able to see to know it was his best friend Tony.

 P.S. Does anyone know what I've taken my quote title from?


  1. Oooh sounds intruiging!
    And no, no idea where the quote is from.

  2. Very cool!!
    And I hav eno idea where the title quote comes from... Although it sounds SO farmiliar. If you don't tell me soon I might burst... Either that or go look it up on Google.

  3. Hehehe, it is from The Invisible Man. The whole scene cracked me up and I love the quote.
