Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Beautiful People - Antony

(This is for one of my own original characters, right? If not... I shall re-do it! Also, I hope you don't mind I'm doing a boy.)

1. What is their favorite type of shoe? Hmmm.... I don't really know. Shoes aren't my (or his) strong point.
2. Do they journal? Yes! Originally he thought it was only for women, but he changed his mind when his a journal was passed down to him.
3. What's their favorite animal? Horses.
4. What does their average day look like? Wake up, take care of his master's horses (he's a stable boy), eat dinner, go to bed, repeat. Occasionally he goes on adventures which disrupt his daily schedule.
5. Night owl, or morning person? (Optional: What time do they normally wake up, and go to bed?) Probably a morning person.
6. Do they have a sweet tooth? A bit =)
7. What colors are their bedroom? Brown or white. He lives in a small cottage with his mother.
8. Can they cook? Not really....
9. What is their favorite household chore? His favorite stable chore is to exercise the horses.
10. Favorite kind of tea? Did they have tea in the 1700th century? I'm not sure....

1 comment:

  1. Yep, it is for your characters 8-D And doing a boy is grand. I will probably do mostly boys as well, I don't normally have lots of girls in my books.
    I like him! I want to find out more about him!!

    Jack and her sardine Nemo
