Monday, May 14, 2012

A Quick Poem to Prove I'm Still Alive

Sorry I've been absent recently! So much going on... but oh well. Now I'm going to do what was mentioned in the title! Share with all of you random bloggers a quick poem to prove that I'm still alive. So, here goes.

I Am Love

Through my veins this love will flow
Sustaining my life, I'm letting go
There is no pain or toil here
No need for agony or shedding blood-tear
So much more than the eye can see
So much more than the hand can touch
I'm falling into this world unknown
Remolding this heart that once was stone
So let me be and walk with me
You who aren't afraid of He
Who marked me on that day long gone
When I was young, an innocent fawn
But now I'm old enough to talk
To run, to climb, to fall and walk
There will be challenges up ahead
What difference is that to this road I tread?
A life without love is no life at all
I'll remember this, lest I should fall
Love shall flow within these veins
Taking care of all my pains
I am Love and Love is me
Whatever else did I imagine I could be?

- Jennica Travilla