Tuesday, May 8, 2012

So the Sun Sets...

and so...

The sun makes it's last light through the windows
She sits, watching her last moments of joy wave goodbye
Nothing lasts... She hears

Nothing will ever last as long as you are here

Darkness' arms reach out for her in more a choke than a hug
She wraps herself together, holding everything left of her close

To get out, you must pay the price

No water left, No tears
Just the small moan of hunger

To get out, you must pay the price

No thoughts, the mind is empty
Her soul be on the brink of death

To get out, you must pay the price......

What is the price to pay?


  1. I like it! Um...I'm not sure about the price. My brain has shut down until further notice.

  2. This is a very pretty poem.
