Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Beautiful People

I'm sorry this is going to look so funky. I don't know how to fix it, take the colour from behind the words. So if anyone does, feel free! (Prince Caspian quote there) Anyhow, thought you all might enjoy to do this. All you have to do is pick a character and answer the questions with said character.

1. What is their favorite type of shoe?
2. Do they journal?
3. What's their favorite animal?
4. What does their average day look like?
5. Night owl, or morning person? (Optional: What time do they normally wake up, and go to bed?)
6. Do they have a sweet tooth?
7. What colors are their bedroom?
8. Can they cook?
9. What is their favorite household chore?
10. Favorite kind of tea?


  1. I fixed it for you, my dear Jack! :3

  2. Aw! Thanks! I love having friends who can fix my blog flops. 8-D

  3. x3 hee! Hey, I miss talking! Maybe we can chat on the chatbox on the sidebar? :3
