Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Beautiful People - Verity White

1. What is their favorite type of shoe?
    Converses are "da bomb" in her oppinion.
2. Do they journal?
    When she can get the chance, journals are very suggested.
3. What's their favorite animal?
     Her favorite animal is a cat.
4. What does their average day look like?
      An average day for her is one of travel and trying to stay alive in a radiated climate.
5. Night owl, or morning person? (Optional: What time do they normally wake up, and go to bed?)
      Night owl. She normally goes to bed at 3:30 AM and wakes up at 1 PM.
6. Do they have a sweet tooth?
7. What colors are their bedroom?
      Her room is in a base where her friends from her hometown live.
8. Can they cook?
      Yes. Her specialty is deserts and other such snacks items.
9. What is their favorite household chore?
      Her favorite household chore (when she had one) was cleaning the living room.
10. Favorite kind of tea?

1 comment:

  1. She sounds fun!!!! I want to meet her now. And I LOVE her name!
