Monday, May 7, 2012

Newbie on the Premises

Greetings Y'all!

I'm new on here, in case y'all couldn't tell by the title, as well as none of y'all knowing who the heck I am. To confront that, my name is Eli, and I wanted to join this site because I figured it would be a really amazing experience, as well as the possibility to hang out with other eccentric writers.

I was introduced to this site by your very own Ms. Mari J. Fahel, and now, thankfully, I am a part of this eccentrically crazy crew! I'm pretty quiet, love God with all that's in me (even though it gets me into trouble sometimes, long stories for later), I'm a blacksmith (no, I will not make you a sword), an avid bookworm, a trained swordsman, I am almost 19, I live in Maryland, and am very eccentric in my own special ways (I knit steel into purty things, that's a sure sign of insanity).

I am breaking into writing/rewriting a new story, basically my interpretation of a Christian Camp Half-Blood (yes, I've actually read those books, and am quite fond of 'em), set in medieval Scotland. with luck, I'll be able to post up snippets up on here for review and such.

Thank you all so much for accepting this crazy 'Smith into your midst!

Eli/Eli the 'Smith


  1. WOOHOO!!!! Ain't this place awseome?!

    1. aye, definitely my sorta crowd :D crazy, creative, and amazing!

  2. Aw man... You won't make me a sword... *goes off muttering*
    Welcome to the blog anyway, I suppose. Hee hee kidding.
    Your story sounds intriguing!

  3. Howdy! Greetings! And all that. I'm Jack, though we've sort of met already. Nice to meet you again 8-D

    Your story sounds very cool! I read the Percy Jackson books as well and liked them a lot.

    Welcome! I hope you have lots of fun here!

    Jack and her sardine Nemo
