Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Beautiful People

Beautiful People: Jessie Marshall

1. What is their favorite type of shoe? Hiking Boots. She loves hiking boots.

2. Do they journal? No, she doesn't have the patience.

3. What's their favorite animal? Ferrets.

4. What does their average day look like? She wakes up, reads her Bible, then runs into the first bit of danger she can find.

5. Night owl, or morning person? (Optional: What time do they normally wake up, and go to bed?) She thinks sleeping is over rated. She sleeps when she has to, any time.

6. Do they have a sweet tooth? No, not really. But if you gave her chocolate she wouldn't turn it down.

7. What colors are their bedroom? She sleeps in a tent so, an off white.

8. Can they cook? Not at all.

9. What is their favorite household chore? She doesn't live in a house. But, she likes set up tents.

10. Favorite kind of tea? Any kind. Probably green tea though.

1 comment:

  1. I remember Jessie. Glad you are bringing the series back.
